
Dev Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.

SymbolServer is a helper package for LanguageServer.jl that provides information about internal and exported variables of packages (without loading them). A package's symbol information is initially loaded in an external process but then stored on disc for (quick loading) future use.

Installation and Usage

IDEs that exploit SymbolServer should install it automatically; if you are an IDE user, you probably don't need to manually install or update SymbolServer.

Developers and curious users can install it manually with

using Pkg

Loading it is similar to any other Julia package,

using SymbolServer

Server API

SymbolServerInstance(path_to_depot, path_to_store)

Creates a new symbol server instance that works on a given Julia depot. This symbol server instance can be long lived, i.e. one can re-use it for different environments etc. If path_to_store is specified, cache files will be stored there, otherwise a standard location will be used.

getstore(ssi::SymbolServerInstance, environment_path::AbstractString)

Loads the symbols for the environment in environment_path. Returns a tuple, where the first element is a return status and the second element a payload. The status can be :success (in which case the second element is the new store), :canceled if another call to getstore was initiated before a previous one finished (with nothing as the payload), or :failure with the payload being the content of the error stream of the client process.

This function is long running and should typically be called in an @async block.

Indexing API

When a new environment is encountered, this environment must be indexed. Indexing can be run manually with the following:

using SymbolServer
using Packages,You,Want,To,Index
env = SymbolServer.getenvtree() # Create a tree of all modules within the current session, including submodules
@time SymbolServer.symbols(env) # index everything

The last line performs indexing on the complete set of modules loaded into your session. To perform indexing on a single module,

@time SymbolServer.symbols(env, SomeModule) # index a single module